Hirundo rustica: Barn Swallow

By Anthony Foliot I think it was probably a year, or so, after the birth of my Daughter. That I packed my things, and quit the shore, and moved out on the water. In a homemade house, on a bunch of drums, I floated on the West shore. Then I built a house, for the


Joanna and Leonard Grant with their one-month-old son MacGreger By Joanna Grant | photo  by Miranda Tschirhat   I’m certain most women share the same worries I had before their labour commenced: strangers seeing my private parts, pooping on the bed and floor, the baby not wanting to come out or coming out the wrong

Designing for the future at Giant Mine

In June, we brought a box of random building materials—from carpet scraps to blocks to chess pieces—to Yellowknife and asked groups of local youth to construct models for warning systems at Giant Mine. We held these “speculative design” workshops with youth in Dettah (at the Chief Drygeese Centre and Kaw Tay Whee Elementary) and with

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Yellowknife’s First… Prospector

Aurous gold mine on Wilson Island, 1922. | Photo: N-1979-073: 0696 The prospector was a new breed of wilderness adventurer in the 19th century and before them sat a treasure house of minerals across the continent. No metal had more lure than gold. With a feverish, insatiable desire to possess it, these opportunists gambled everything

For Want of a Sticker: Behind the Brewpub’s Delay

Brewing equipment built by Portland Kettleworks operates in more than 100 locations across the United States, Canada, Japan, Costa Rica and Norway – but only in the Northwest Territories has the company run into problems with regulators. “We’ve never had any issues,” company spokesman Thad Fisco told EDGE – until it sold equipment to Yellowknife’s

Don’t Have a Cow: The YK Veggie Guide to Dining Out

Being vegetarian in Yellowknife can be challenging. This is an unabashedly meat-loving city, and eating outside the confines of your home can be especially uninspiring, with options usually limited to indifferent salads or pasta afterthoughts, leaving you unsatisfied, protein-less and palate-deprived. But don’t give up just yet. Here are some veggie-friendly options to keep in

Yellowknifers: the Innkeeper

A few weeks ago, Faith Embleton received a phone call from a German man who, along with a friend, had stayed at her bed and breakfast on 52 Street and was returning. She recounts: “He said, ‘Hi, this is Jorgan. I just wanted to tell you we won’t be there as planned. I want to

EDGE of Fall Fashion Photos

Sydney Zoe I noticed your outfit. And I was wondering why you decided to wear this today? It’s an outfit I wear a lot because I get lazy in the morning, so technically these tights are supposed to go higher, but I think they look cuter, if it looks like they’re knee socks because knee

Yellow: how a photographer found light and colour in a dark place

Originally posted September 27, 2014 I’ve moved to Yellowknife twice. The first time was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. Just prior to leaving Montreal, my mother was experiencing back pain and coughing a little more than usual. She had just begun a barrage of medical tests. Everything was up in the

Restaurant Round-Up: Nightclub at Fuego?

Except for one lone coyote, this week’s round-up is all about the downtown. We’re also confirming some of the buzz about possibly big plans for After 8/Fuego; some shimmies and shakes for Twin Pine Diner and a new Mama on the block at Aurora College. Finally, we’ll make sure you won’t be left in the cold

Yellowknifers: the Alcoholic

The first question we asked Andrew Livingstone was: are you comfortable with the title, the Alcoholic. “I’ve always kind of just associated with that word, despite the difficulty with it at first,” he says, seated at his kitchen table in Trails End. “I think I’ll always consider myself that. I wrestle with whether or not

(Possibly) NSFW: Angela Gzowski’s Flesh & Bone Images

Artist statement We talk endlessly about the beauty of the North: the northern lights, the midnight sun – it’s the bread and butter of the Northern photographer. But there are also months of darkness; drive or skidoo five kilometres from Yellowknife and you cut a solitary figure on a landscape where life and death are

Blazing Trails: Why YK Should Invest in Mountain Biking

Geoff Foster’s truck is easy to find. A virginal white Xterra wearing a bright yellow canoe hat, it’s parked where he said it would be, just past the Dettah junction on the Ingraham Trail. Foster, not so much. It’s a bright September day and he’s somewhere on The Holdout, a trail he has been building

Little Boxes: Tiny Homes Craze Hits City Hall

Tiny homes are a trendy idea — like food trucks — that press many of YK’s hot topic buttons The Yellowknife council chamber was full to bursting on Monday, as people packed the room to hear about the possibility of a tiny home neighbourhood in Yellowknife. The presentation was by Etienne Croteau, builder and owner of a local tiny home.

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