I Am Not My Wheelchair: I Am Me

From the August/September issue of EDGE YK magazine: Cornelius Van Dyke is different in a society that does not deal well with differentness

Keeping It Clean: Another Downtown Bench Gone

The City says it was too much work maintaining the latest vanished public seating. That doesn’t bode well for big talk about civic revitalization

Accused Killer On The Loose: Where Are Our Leaders?

During difficult times, it’s not always easy to know when and how to communicate. But I’d say the tsunami-sized rumour mill generated by an accused killer on the loose for more than 48 hours presents a straight-ahead opportunity. Even if you don’t want to get into the details for fear of “compromising the investigation,” surely

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Still Standing: Don’t Believe the GNWT about the Headframe

It’s confidential, it’s something the public aren’t privy to and it’s also bullshit. The press release from the GNWT’s senior communications advisor arrived at 4:46 pm on a Friday just as this past long weekend kicked off. An excellent choice of timing to drop a bombshell on Yellowknifers soon to be placated by three lovely

Snap Lake is Finished: What Was It For?

First, let’s get one thing out of the way: nobody’s going to buy Snap Lake. The mothballed diamond project is, as an industry insider recently told EDGE, “a difficult mine, with challenging ground conditions, unhelpful geometry resulting in an inherently higher cost mining method and of course, loads of water!” With the global diamond market

Should We Institute Universal Basic Income in the NWT?

On EDGE | OPINION  A few years ago, I had one of my crazier shower thoughts, for which I scrubbed myself on the back proudly until I realised that half the people I know had already thought of it. You might have too. The idea goes like this: if the GNWT gets a transfer credit

Reconciliation and Paradise Lost

On EDGE | OPINION From the April/May edition of EDGEYK magazine: I’m white. I’ve been thinking about what unearned privileges I have because of that, and the blind spots they give me as I live in this world. I care about truth and about reconciliation, both in general and in relation to Canada’s Indian Residential

NWT Legislature: Don’t Just Come for the Cup

On EDGE | ANALYSIS Canada’s 2016 census may as well have begun at the NWT legislature on Saturday. A pretty neat trick for counting a local population, it turns out, is to put the Stanley Cup in one corner of a large room and wait patiently. Hundreds of Yellowknifers flocked to the cup on Saturday

Scenes from a Junket

On EDGE | ANALYSIS Pity the three large men in suits who have to work the room in a cramped and sweltering art gallery. Even people in t-shirts are sweating. The three northern premiers have crashed the annual gallery opening showcasing the work of students at Dawson City’s tiny School of Visual Arts (SOVA). Despite

NWT Labour Forecast: 5 Takeaways

On EDGE | ANALYSIS What will the educational and employment reality of the NWT look like in 15 years? And what does it really look like today? These are questions tackled in a massive Conference Board of Canada report released last week. The answers? Well, they’re complicated. The Northwest Territories Labour Market Forecast and Needs

Getting the F out of the Water

“Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?” So asks General Jack D. Ripper of Peter Sellers’ jittery Captain Mandrake in a scene from the 1964 classic Dr. Strangelove. “It’s incredibly obvious isn’t it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily

CRTC Hearings: Broadband Rights and Wrongs

On EDGE | ANALYSIS Leafing through the submissions from the three territorial governments to the CRTC’s latest round of consultations on broadband availability, there’s a concept that keeps jumping out of the text: market failure. If you’re reading this on an internet connection in any one of the three territories, you know this: your internet

Living With Arsenic

How should a community live with, and alongside, an environmental disaster that has no endpoint, no possibility of resolution? This was the melancholy question at the heart of France Benoit’s Giant Mine documentary Guardians of Eternity, released last fall. Do we remediate the mine as best we can and let Yellowknife creep over top of

Lessons from the Games Fiasco

On EDGE | OPINION Robert C. McLeod threw a pretty impressive Hail Mary on Monday night. At the 11th hour, mere minutes before City Council was to vote on Yellowknife’s Canada Winter Games bid, the finance minister earnestly endorsed the Games — not on behalf of the GNWT or the legislative assembly, but as himself,

No Security: Prairie Creek’s Looming Cleanup

On EDGE | OPINION “If there is another project more scrutinized than this, I’d like to see what it is.” -Former Canadian Zinc manager Chris Reeves, as reported by Northern Journal, July 2012 Canadian Zinc is heading into yet another environmental assessment for its Prairie Creek mine, this time related to its pursuit of an

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