Category News

A New Home: Women’s Shelter to Expand Housing Options

The Centre of Northern Families is purchasing a new home for its daycare and family programs and planning to renovate its current building to provide more accommodation for women. The announcement was made in a blog post on the centre’s website on Tuesday, and confirmed by Anusa Sivalingam, board chair of the Yellowknife Women’s Society,

Category Analysis

YK Real Estate Realities, Pt. 3: The Role of Income

Two years ago, I was one of five Yellowknifers who went to China to teach English. The one-week kids’ camp was held at an English language school set up by CloudWorks co-founder Paige Saunders. As a reward for their hard work, kids earned ‘camp money’ which they could spend on snacks and toys each evening

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Category Opinion

NWT Legislature: Don’t Just Come for the Cup

On EDGE | ANALYSIS Canada’s 2016 census may as well have begun at the NWT legislature on Saturday. A pretty neat trick for counting a local population, it turns out, is to put the Stanley Cup in one corner of a large room and wait patiently. Hundreds of Yellowknifers flocked to the cup on Saturday

Category Opinion

Scenes from a Junket

On EDGE | ANALYSIS Pity the three large men in suits who have to work the room in a cramped and sweltering art gallery. Even people in t-shirts are sweating. The three northern premiers have crashed the annual gallery opening showcasing the work of students at Dawson City’s tiny School of Visual Arts (SOVA). Despite

Category Politics

EDGE’s NWT Election Spending Awards

With around $450,000 spent by candidates during last fall’s territorial election, give or take a few unlisted expense reports, we’re still a few pennies shy of what it costs to run a U.S. Presidential election. But that’s not to say candidates didn’t do some serious pocket-digging — into their own as well as their friends’

Category News

City Budget 2017: Tax Hike Proposed

Based on the City’s preliminary budget for 2017, people with $300,000 homes could be paying an extra $60 in municipal taxes next year. That’s based on a 3.44 percent tax increase proposed by City administration on Monday.   If your house is worth $500,000, you’d be looking at paying $103 more than this year, and

Category Uncategorized

Denouncing the Doctrine of Discovery

On a damp September day in 1984, thousands of people from across the territory gathered in Liidlii Kue, or Fort Simpson, to catch a glimpse of the holiest of globe-trotting visitors. As the time of arrival approached, the fog thickened until a wing and a prayer was little match for the weather, and the plane

Category Culture

Sharing Story and Image like Tea and Bannock

Stories and pictures go together like tea and bannock. At least, that’s the philosophy of the online collective of Indigenous women photographers who’ve banded together to share the words behind their artistry on the new website, Tea & Bannock. The network of seven core photographers was founded by Tenille Campbell of Sweetmoon Photography in Saskatoon,

Category Culture

Drink Up, Dress Up: The Glory Days of the Pinecrest Hotel

The infamous brawls of the Pinecrest Hotel in Fort Smith would whirl their way through the muck and mud of the unpaved roads, occasionally rolling past Lorraine Tordiff’s white picket fence or into her yard. But for the most part, the commotion had kept itself off her veranda and outside her front door; that is,

Category News

Arsenic Warning: Fishing, Swimming Off-Limits in Several Yellowknife Lakes

Don’t swim or fish in Frame Lake. That sage bit of advice is already followed by most Yellowknifers, but any hope of opening up the once-popular Frame Lake beach after some serious lake cleanup was effectively put to bed today with a health advisory from the territory’s public health officer. Frame Lake, Jackfish Lake and

Category Opinion

NWT Labour Forecast: 5 Takeaways

On EDGE | ANALYSIS What will the educational and employment reality of the NWT look like in 15 years? And what does it really look like today? These are questions tackled in a massive Conference Board of Canada report released last week. The answers? Well, they’re complicated. The Northwest Territories Labour Market Forecast and Needs

Category Culture

Holding onto the Hankie

For Leah Mandeville, much of the happiness of her childhood growing up in Fort Resolution can be tied up into one symbol: her grandmother’s handkerchief. “It’s nostalgic. It brings me back to how things used to be, to the innocence of it all,” she says. “You know the feeling. It’s always a pleasure to see

Category Uncategorized

Sober Yellowknife: Strategies for Staying on the Wagon

Yellowknife is not an easy place to be sober. The North, in general, can be a place of easy temptation when it comes to alcohol, and Yellowknife, with its young transient population, cold weather, multitude of bars and streams of disposable income, can be particularly challenging for those on the wagon. When we started talking

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