Susan Mercredi and Lauren Mercredi having a cook-off
In YK Faces, a new regular feature, we send James Mackenzie out to catch up with Yellowknifers as they socialize around the town. This Victoria Day long weekend, local campgrounds were the place to be as the city celebrated the first big camping weekend of the season. Yellowknifers headed out of town to enjoy this magical time between that lingering chill in the air and the en masse arrival of bugs — and fire bans.
Kent Rose, Trina Rose, Blake Rose, Liam Carroll, and Jason Carroll stay warm in their camper.
Nolan Dusome, Holden Reid, Jaci Dusome. (front row). Nevaeh Dusome (back).
Gary Brennan BBQs dinner for his family.
Matthew Voytilla enjoys the heat of the fire and the view of the lake through the trees.
Cindy and Sherri trying to sort out their new tent.
Joe Remo, his son Blake Remo, and Randy Horne after they finished setting up their campsite.
Melissa Stevens and Peggy Embleton relaxing at the start of the camping season.