What I Saw: Fran Hurcomb at the PWNHC

photos and words by Fran Hurcomb

Forty years is a long time, especially when viewed in mountains of photographs. Since I came to Yellowknife in 1975, I seem to have amassed about 10,000 negatives, 40,000 slides and, at a guess, 100,000 digital files. I thought this might be a good year to actually take a look at the photos I’ve taken in the North. So, starting this month, I’m having a show in the upstairs mezzanine of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre entitled “What I Saw.”

For six months, I’ve been scanning, printing and framing. Just when I think I have it all figured out, I find another forgotten gem. But they’ll soon be up on the wall…about 80 photographs from the Northwest Territories spanning 40 years. It should be interesting.

I hope lots of people will be able to take a look at the changes I’ve seen, the growth I’ve made as a photographer and the incredible influence of the digital revolution on photography.

What I Saw opens Thursday, April 9 at 7 p.m. at the PWNHC and will be on display until September.

Forty below geophysics, Kennady Lake, Barrenlands, 1994

Forty below geophysics, Kennady Lake, Barrenlands, 1994

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Judy Lafferty hanging fish, Mackenzie

River, north of Fort Good Hope, 1985

Blue bike in the Woodyard, 2006

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